"Happiness and confidence are the priettest things you can wear."
- Taylor Swift
"I definitely think about a milion people when I get dresses in the morning"
- Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift piosenkarka i aktorka o doskonałym stylu i nogach wycenionych na 40 milionów dolarów! Taylor plasuje się w czołówce najlepiej ubranych i najbardziej wpływowych gwiazd. Jest idolką i autorytetem dla wielu osób. Pojawiła się na wielu okładkach czołowych magazynów, wzięła udział w pokazie mody Victoria's Secret oraz otrzymała wiele wyróżnień w świecie mody. Jej styl jest prosty, elegancki i dziewczęcy. Na dzień rezerwuje grzeczniejsze zestawy, natomiast na uroczystych galach lubi błyszczeć. Można ją wówczas zobaczyć w pięknych sukniach ozdobionych koronką, cekinami, bądź drogimi kamieniami. Preferuje proste choć odważne fasony ale nowoczesne formy również są jej bliskie.
Osobiście uwielbiam jej styl, mogłabym patrzeć godzinami na jej sesje zdjęciowe, w których wygląda po prostu olśniewająco.
Taylor Swift a singer and and an actress with perfect sense of style and legs insured for $ 40 million! Taylor is named as one of the best-dressed and most powerful women. She is an idol and an authority for many people. She appeared on the best magazine's covers and Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Her style is classy, but also girly and fresh. For everyday she often chooses things that are elegant, chick and often retro-inspired. However, her Red Carpet looks are much more sophisticated, glamorous and ladylike. She often wears embellished dresses with lace, sequins and precious gemstones.
Personally I love her style, I could simply spend hours looking at her photoshoots.
Osobiście uwielbiam jej styl, mogłabym patrzeć godzinami na jej sesje zdjęciowe, w których wygląda po prostu olśniewająco.
Taylor Swift a singer and and an actress with perfect sense of style and legs insured for $ 40 million! Taylor is named as one of the best-dressed and most powerful women. She is an idol and an authority for many people. She appeared on the best magazine's covers and Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Her style is classy, but also girly and fresh. For everyday she often chooses things that are elegant, chick and often retro-inspired. However, her Red Carpet looks are much more sophisticated, glamorous and ladylike. She often wears embellished dresses with lace, sequins and precious gemstones.
Personally I love her style, I could simply spend hours looking at her photoshoots.
- Taylor Swift

" My style advice to other girls is to be experimental but always have a 'home base' and stick with your comfort style."
- Taylor Swift

''I like to wear pearl earrings, I like red lips. I figure if I stick to classics I won't have as many cringe-worthy moments looking back 25 years from now.''
- Taylor Swift

"I go to all these photo shoots, and each time I figure out something new about myself and what I want to wear."
- Taylor Swift

"I still love sparkles and grocery shopping and really old cats that are only nice to you half the time. I still love writing in my journal and wearing dresses all the time..."
- Taylor Swift

"Style is such a personal thing: it's your way to be individual."
- Tylor Swift

"I'm 5'11, so when I wear heels, it's definitely a really good view that I have. I'm, like, 6'2 when I wear heels, so I tend to wear cowboy boots a lot."
- Tylor Swift

got that James Dean day dream look in your eye
And I got that red lip
classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come
back every time.
Cause we never go out of style We never go out of

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