"I love what I do professionally, I'm really blessed.
But my priority is my husband and my children."
But my priority is my husband and my children."
- Victoria Beckham
Poduszki literki, uszyte dla moich chłopaków. Lekkie, miękkie, przytulaśne i ile z nimi frajdy:) Jak się okazało tego typu poduszki mogą spełniać również funkcję maskotki oraz fajnej dekoracji. Z łatwością odmienią pokój dziecięcy, a poza tym o ile przyjemniej zasypia się na podusi, która została stworzona tylko i wyłącznie z myślą o Tobie:)
The letters I sewed for my boys. They are light, soft and cuddly. These kind of cushions are a great fun, they are good to sleep, play and learn. They can also be a perfect decoration of a child's room. Anyway sleeping with such pillows is a sheer pleasure and you can only have sweet dreams:)
The letters I sewed for my boys. They are light, soft and cuddly. These kind of cushions are a great fun, they are good to sleep, play and learn. They can also be a perfect decoration of a child's room. Anyway sleeping with such pillows is a sheer pleasure and you can only have sweet dreams:)
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
- Winnie the Pooh
"A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty".
"To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today."
- Barbara Johnson

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