Na tej stronie znajdziesz wszystkie bluzki, kurtki i płaszcze oraz bieliznę i kostiumy kąpielowe jakie uszyłam. Wystarczy, że klikniesz w wybrane zdjęcie, a natychmiast zostaniesz przeniesiona/y na stronę z postem.
This page hosts all the tops, blouses and jackets that I sewed and posted on my blog.
Click the photo you like and it will take you directly to the post.
"I would like to say to people, open your eyes and find beauty where you normally don't expect it."
- Jean Paul Gaultier
"Walk like you have three men walking behind you".
- Oscar the la Renta
"Great style means having a point of view, but evolving your look is even more important. Rushing to embrance every trend will leave you fashionable, but not stylish."

"I always say: to be well dressed you must be well naked."
- Oscar de la Renta
Świetna jesteś! <3 Pozdrawiam :)
Ty też jesteś świetna:*