"Fashion may not be a weapon of the woman but at least it gives her the ammunition."
- Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte Anne Marie Bardot to kolejna niesamowita kobieta na moim blogu. Postać pełna sprzeczności. Za jej decyzje i poglądy można ją kochać lub nienawidzić. Modelka, piosenkarka i aktorka filmowa, kobieta niewiarygodnie piękna, po prostu wyjątkowa. Żadna kobieta nie mogła konkurować z jej urodą, ciemna oprawa oczy, burza blond włosów, długie nogi i idealna figura - to jej znaki rozpoznawcze. Współcześnie wiele kobiet próbuje się do niej upodobnić. Claudia Schiffer, Georgia Jagger czy Kate Moss, również nasza Doda czerpie inspiracje z Bardot.
BB fascynowała się wieloma stylami, łączyła różne trendy. To ona wylansowała dwuczęściowy kostium kąpielowy, zwany później bikini oraz biustonosz bez ramiączek, do połowy zasłaniający piersi i nadający im piękny kształt, bliżej znany jako "bardotka". Baleriny zyskały również swój rozgłos dzięki pięknej Brigitte, która w młodości ćwiczyła balet i zapragnęła chodzić w nich również na co dzień. Dlatego też poprosiła Rose Repetto, projektanta obuwia by stworzył dla niej buty na wzór baletek.
Jej styl był kobiecy, seksowny, zniewalający, ale również delikatny i dziewczęcy. Elegancja i szyk również były jej bliskie. Nawet teraz, w wieku 80 lat Brigitte podkreśla swoją wyjątkową osobowość i indywidualizm, poprzez charakterystyczny makijaż i stroje. Starzeje się godnie, bez wsparcia ze strony medycyny estetycznej. Nie poprawia swej urody przy pomocy skalpela, chce pozostać naturalna. Dzięki temu wciąż przez wiele osób jest postrzegana jako Brigitte sprzed lat, z blond grzywą i niebiańską figurą. Dla mnie osobiście BB z tamtych czasów jest uosobieniem piękna. Ideałem.
Brigitte Anne Marie Bardot is the next incredible woman on my blog. She is a one big contradiction. For her decisions and personal views people may love her and hate. A model, a singer and a film actress, a woman that is absolutely beautiful. None of the women could compare with her beauty, dark cat eyes, blonde voluminous hair, long legs and ideal curves are her hallmarks. Nowadays women desire to copy her image. Claudia Shiffer, Georgia Jagger or Kate Moss seem strongly inspired by Bardot.
BB was fasinated with different styles, she mixed trends. She popularized two-piece swimsuits, called nowadays bikini. She also brought to fashion Bardot neckline, a wide open neck that exposes both shoulders. Moreover, she launched ballerina shoes. As a young girl she trained ballet and asked Rose Repetto, a shoe dasigner to craete shoes as comfortable as the dance slippers but suitable to wear in everyday life.
Bardot's style was sexy and girly but also elegant and sophisticated. She was and still is referenced as a style icon and a muse. Even now, 80-year-old Brigitte accentuates her individaulity by her makeup and clothes. She is growing older with dignity, without the help of aesthetic medicine. But lots of people still perceive her as the blonde sexbomb with a heavenly figure. For me, personally young Brigitte Bardot was the epitome of beaty, an ideal.
Brigitte Anne Marie Bardot is the next incredible woman on my blog. She is a one big contradiction. For her decisions and personal views people may love her and hate. A model, a singer and a film actress, a woman that is absolutely beautiful. None of the women could compare with her beauty, dark cat eyes, blonde voluminous hair, long legs and ideal curves are her hallmarks. Nowadays women desire to copy her image. Claudia Shiffer, Georgia Jagger or Kate Moss seem strongly inspired by Bardot.
BB was fasinated with different styles, she mixed trends. She popularized two-piece swimsuits, called nowadays bikini. She also brought to fashion Bardot neckline, a wide open neck that exposes both shoulders. Moreover, she launched ballerina shoes. As a young girl she trained ballet and asked Rose Repetto, a shoe dasigner to craete shoes as comfortable as the dance slippers but suitable to wear in everyday life.
Bardot's style was sexy and girly but also elegant and sophisticated. She was and still is referenced as a style icon and a muse. Even now, 80-year-old Brigitte accentuates her individaulity by her makeup and clothes. She is growing older with dignity, without the help of aesthetic medicine. But lots of people still perceive her as the blonde sexbomb with a heavenly figure. For me, personally young Brigitte Bardot was the epitome of beaty, an ideal.
"If only every man who sees my films did not get the impression he can make love to me, I would be a lot happier."
- Brigitte Bardot
Brigitte zwykle wybierała kreacje podkreślające biust i odsłaniające ramiona. Sukienki opinające talię, rozkloszowane bądź ołówkowe. Eksponujące jej atuty.
Brigitte usually chose outfits exposing shoulders and neckline. Tight-waist or pencil dresses. Those that accentuated her figure best.
"I tried to make myself as prety as possible and even then I thought I was ugly. I found it madly difficult to do out, to show myself."
- Brigitte Bardot
"What could be more beautiful tan a dear old lady growing wise with age? Every age can be enchanting, provided you live within it."
- Brigitte Bardot
Była miłośniczką spódniczek mini. Często łączyła je z kozakami za kolano.
She was a great fan of mini skirts. She often wore them with the knee-high boots.
“Thank God there is Brigitte Bardot, the profile of a Renoir model, the walk of a dancer, an admirable mane,”
- Jacques Doniol-Valcroze from France Observateur
Brigitte lubiła dodatki w postaci opasek, kapeluszy czy kokard.
She liked accesories such as headbands, hats and big hair bows.
"I knew I had to be the best at something, otherwise I would be nothing. I knew I wanted the world to know about Brigitte Bardot."
-Brigitte Bardot
"I gave my beauty and youth to men, I am going to give my wisdom and experience to animals."
- Brigitte Bardot
"I have been very happy, very rich, very beautiful, much adulated, very famous and very unhappy."
- Brigitte Bardot
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