"Real elegance is everywhere. Especially in the things that don't show."
- Christian Dior
Push up, bandeau, bullet bra, plunge, strapless, bardotka, z fiszbinami i bez, do wyboru mamy wiele opcji, ale ważne jest by osiągnąć jeden efekt - pięknie wyglądający biust:)
Pierwsze biustonosze powstały w drugiej połowie XIX wieku, ale dopiero na początku XX wieku pojawił się biustonosz uwielbiany przez współczesne kobiety. Przed tym okresem kobiety próbowały różnych trików by podtrzymać, ukryć lub odkryć:) swoje piersi. Już w starożytności, kobiety aktywne w sporcie, zasłaniały biust opaskami z materiału, zwanymi "mastodeton" lub "apodesmos". Opaski te zniekształcały biust, ale były dość funkcjonalne i ułatwiały wykonywanie ćwiczeń.
Temat biustu powrócił na nowo w XVI wieku, kiedy powstały pierwsze gorsety. Jednak ich zadaniem również nie było podkreślanie biustu, a osiągnięcie tali osy. Kobiety spragnione idealnego wcięcia w talii mocno, wiązały gorsety, co często prowadziło do omdleń, a z czasem nawet do zdeformowania żeber. Dopiero na przełomie XVII i XVIII wieku odkryto prawdziwy potencjał gorsetu, jakim było idealne wyeksponowanie piersi.
Jak już wcześniej pisałam wiek XX to początek ery biustonosza, który doprowadził do totalnej bra manii:). Bogactwo fasonów, tkanin i kolorów. Mamy brafitterki, Aniołki Victoria's Secret i międzynarodowy "Dzień bez Stanika",po prostu wszystko czego dusza zapragnie. Ja również postanowiłam dorzucić coś od siebie, do tego całego szaleństwa. Jest to czarny koronkowy biustonosz. Jak większość rzeczy jakie znajdują się na moim blogu, jest on moim pierwszym ale już teraz wiem, że nie ostatnim:)
Push-up, bandeau, strapless, plunge, bullet bra, bardot, there are lots of options but the final effect can be only one - perfectly looking breasts:) First bras were produced in the late XIX century, but it is XX century when the bra we all know and love so much was really launched. Before that times women used different tricks to cover, restrain and reveal their breasts. In ancient times female active in sport wore a specialized band made of fabric, tight and wrapped across the breasts. It was called an apodesmos or a mastodeton. Those bands distorted women breasts, but were functional and allowed female to do sport.
The issue of breast was taken up again in XVI century, when the first corsets were produced. But their role was not to shape the breasts, but to to slim the body by reducting the waist and exaggerating hips. Women obsessed with their body often forgot about their health. Focused on their goal, which was a perfect waist, tighted the corset so much that could hardly breath and often fainted.
As I have written before XX century was a beginnig of real lingerie industry, which led to the total bra mania:). A great variety of fabrics, forms and colours, there are bra-fitters, Victoria's Secret Angels and National No Bra Day! I also decided to add something from myself to this fanstastic world of lingerie. I sewed a black lace bra, as most of the things on my blog it is my first, but surely not last:)
The issue of breast was taken up again in XVI century, when the first corsets were produced. But their role was not to shape the breasts, but to to slim the body by reducting the waist and exaggerating hips. Women obsessed with their body often forgot about their health. Focused on their goal, which was a perfect waist, tighted the corset so much that could hardly breath and often fainted.
As I have written before XX century was a beginnig of real lingerie industry, which led to the total bra mania:). A great variety of fabrics, forms and colours, there are bra-fitters, Victoria's Secret Angels and National No Bra Day! I also decided to add something from myself to this fanstastic world of lingerie. I sewed a black lace bra, as most of the things on my blog it is my first, but surely not last:)

"Lingerie is my next love after clothing; I think it is what is worn underneath that really inspires a woman to feel beautiful in her clothes - that inner, secret glamour."
- Alice Temperley

czy stanik szyłaś sama? jeśli tak może pokazałabyśjak go uszyłaś bo jest piękny :)